joi, 28 aprilie 2011

D-ale Babușcuței (VIII)

Stirile ProTV: "Un sofer s-a urcat baut la volan si a provocat un teribil accident..." (Tirul condus de baiatu' mentionat anterior a
"sters" un autobuz si un microbuz pe undeva prin jud. Constanta. Rezultat: 15 raniti, din care doi foarte grav.)

Babuscuta: "Uoaaaa!!! Cred ca a baut bere cu alcool!!!"

You bet! :)

joi, 21 aprilie 2011

Lista de cumparaturi

Zilele trecute am trecut prin Real. La raionul cu oua, pe cartoanele cu "XXL", era o hartiuta... Ma uit mai bine, o lista de
cumparaturi! N-am putut sa o las sa moara acolo. Voila, cum zice franţuzu':

<< Faţă >>

<< Verso >>


miercuri, 20 aprilie 2011

Praktiker Vitantis

Am fost aseara la Praktiker, in ideea de a ne "fabrica" niste rafturi pentru debara.

Bine, am inceput cu Baumax (Sun Plaza Berceni), unde masina de debitat era descentrata, taia toate alea stramb. Acolo ni s-a spus:
"E asa de doua zile, veniti maine!". Sa venim maine sa ce? Sa vedem daca ati reparat-o??? OK.

Am ajuns deci la Praktiker Vitantis, stiam ce voiam - o placa OSB de 10mm grosime, facuta bucati - nu cine-stie-ce.

Si stai si asteapta. Am intrebat noi in stanga si-n dreapta... "Baietii de la lemn e plecati". Pana la urma, un "baiat de la
mobila", mai milos, a pus mana pe telefon si a sunat la "fata de la informatii" care imediat, dupa 5 minute, a dat si prin intercom
anuntul cum ca "un angajat de la raionul -cum ii zice- e asteptat la... (stupoare in sala!!!) raion!" :)

Deja eram optimisti.

Dupa inca un sfert de ora am plecat, rugand fata de la informatii sa dea anunt ca nu mai e nevoie de nimeni la lemne. Ni s-a raspuns
politicos, cu scuzele de rigoare, ca sunt doar doi baieti pe raionul acela...

Va multumim pentru lamuriri, o sa revenim cu siguranta!

Romeo... :)

luni, 18 aprilie 2011

Reclama Nivea

In ultima vreme ne-au asediat reclame din ce in ce mai stupide, unele fiind cretine de-a dreptul. Goana dupa cumparatori via advertising face victime acolo unde nu te astepti. Marci consacrate (care oricum nu mai sunt ce-au fost) cad ca mustele atunci cand halucinantul isi da mana cu inteligenta creatorilor (sau creaturilor, sic!) de publicitate de la noi. Si nu doar de la noi...

M-am hotarat deci sa comentez, caci nu mai suport. Un prim exemplu:

"Nivea natural lupta impotriva ridurilor."
- Nu se poateee, dar cu ce?
"Cu extract de brusture bio!"

Sa muriti voi!!!?

marți, 12 aprilie 2011

Japan... :(


Radiation levels exceed permissible limit

(Monday, April 11, 2011 21:20 +0900 (JST))


The science ministry says the amount of radiation accumulated over about half a month in some areas of Fukushima Prefecture has exceeded the permissible level for a whole year.

Since March 23rd, the ministry has been measuring radiation levels in 15 locations more than 20 kilometers away from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

At one location, in Namie Town about 30 kilometers northwest of the plant, 14,480 microsieverts of radiation had accumulated over the 17-day period to Sunday.

8,440 microsieverts of radiation were observed in Iitate Village.

In another location in Namie, the amount reached 6,430 microsieverts.

People would be exposed to this accumulated amount of radiation if they had stayed outdoors throughout the entire period.

The level at one location was more than 14 times the 1,000 microsieverts that the International Commission on Radiological Protection recommends as the long-term annual reference level for people. The recommended level of 1,000 microsieverts excludes radiation from the natural environment and medical devices.

Hiroshima University Professor Kiyoshi Shizuma says most of the radiation observed in Fukushima is believed to be radioactive cesium that has fallen to the ground.

Shizuma advises residents to wear masks to avoid inhaling radioactive substances mixed with dust.

He points to the need to take samples both from the air and the ground for detailed analyses in order to assess any possible impact on human health.


Monday, April 11, 2011 21:20 +0900 (JST)



Radiation levels in parts of Fukushima over limit

(Tuesday, April 12, 2011 08:52 +0900 (JST))


The Japanese government says the radiation accumulated over a 25-day period at some locations in Fukushima Prefecture has exceeded the permissible level set for a full year.

The government announced the findings on Monday. The calculation is based on data collected from 53 locations, up to 60 kilometers from the Fukushima Daiichi power plant, from the day following the March 11th disasters through April 5th.

34 millisieverts of radiation had accumulated over that period at one location in Namie Town, about 24 kilometers northwest of the plant. This equates to about 314 millisieverts per year, more than 3 times the permissible level of 100 millisieverts.

On Monday, the government expanded its 20-kilometer evacuation zone to include towns where annual exposure is expected to top 20 millisieverts. It asked residents to evacuate within about a month.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011 08:52 +0900 (JST)



Japan to raise Fukushima crisis level to worst

(Tuesday, April 12, 2011 05:47 +0900 (JST))


The Japanese government's nuclear safety agency has decided to raise the crisis level of the Fukushima Daiichi power plant accident from 5 to 7, the worst on the international scale.

The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency made the decision on Monday. It says the damaged facilities have been releasing a massive amount of radioactive substances, which are posing a threat to human health and the environment over a wide area.

The agency used the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale, or INES, to gauge the level. The scale was designed by an international group of experts to indicate the significance of nuclear events with ratings of 0 to 7.

On March 18th, one week after the massive quake, the agency declared the Fukushima trouble a level 5 incident, the same as the accident at Three Mile Island in the United States in 1979.

Level 7 has formerly only been applied to the Chernobyl accident in the former Soviet Union in 1986 when hundreds of thousands of terabecquerels of radioactive iodine-131 were released into the air. One terabecquerel is one trillion becquerels.

The agency believes the cumulative amount from the Fukushima plant is less than that from Chernobyl.

Officials from the agency and the Nuclear Safety Commission will hold a news conference on Tuesday morning to explain the change of evaluation.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011 05:47 +0900 (JST)

duminică, 10 aprilie 2011

A venit primavara!

A venit primavara si poza de pe partia de la Sovata ramasese in urma. Am topit deci zapada cu o panorama facuta ieri de Elena. Nu-i asa ca se pricepe? :)

sâmbătă, 2 aprilie 2011

D-ale Babușcuței (VII)

Luni, 28 Martie 2011, seara.
Babuscuta in bucatarie, sta la masa si coloreaza de zor cu "carioci". De fapt, desena un fluturas caruia i-a ingrosat capatana pana
a trecut prin foaie: "Aaah!!!" Ridica repede foaia, sa o intoarca pe dos: "Oooof, s-a gaurit si pe partea astalaltaaa!... :("
Am fost pe jos! :)))

Sambata, 02 Aprilie 2011.
Saptamana aceasta piticii au avut la gradinita ora despre ridichi, a trebuit sa ii dam de acasa o legatura. Astazi, in parc, Iulia
s-a intalnit cu o fosta colega pe care parintii au mutat-o la o gradinita particulara de cateva luni. Si la ei, tot despre ridichi
s-a povestit, Elena zicea sa nu ma mir, ca doar e aceeasi programa. Corect. 16 bulioane pe luna decat, fara sa vreau sa combatem pe
tema asta. O intreb pe Iulia:
- Da' tu mai stii povestea cu ridichea uriasa?
- Nu... :|
- Ei, atunci ia zi-mi, despre ce ati vorbit la ora cu ridichile?
- Oooof, nu mai stiu!!!
- Dar la ce v-au trebuit?
- Nu mai stiiiiu, n-auzi?!
- Pai... Atunci ce-ati facut cu ridichile?!
- L-am mancaaat!