miercuri, 19 decembrie 2012

Ah, Venetia...

Ce zice Comisia de la Venetia despre ce facura nenorocitii ăstia asta vara?

"In July 2012, the Romanian Government and Parliament adopted a series of measures in quick succession, which led to the removal
from office of the Advocate of the People, the Presidents of both Houses of Parliament, a limitation of the competences of the
Constitutional Court, changes on the conditions for a referendum on the suspension of the President of the Republic and the
suspension of the President itself. The Venice Commission is of the opinion that these measures, both individually and taken as a
whole are problematic from the viewpoint of constitutionality and the rule of law."

Mai pe larg, aici:

As mai fi vrut sa scriu cate ceva si despre tembelii care au votat zilele trecute cu o anume parte a spectrului politic, despre ceea
ce o parte dintre ei poate vor citi ei peste vreo 10 ani in cartile de Istorie Moderna si Contemporana a Romaniei pe care copii lor
le vor studia, despre...

Dar... Nu stiu, are vreun rost?

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