vineri, 25 martie 2011

Vine noru', bine-mi pare, in gradina am o floare... :D

Bre, cica zilele astea ajunge noru’ luminos si pe bulanu’ nostru de plai.

Iar daca francejii se autolinistesc, ca au masurat ei si nu e motiv de stres, nu vad de ce ne-am ingrijora noi, incapabili cum suntem sa masuram fie si grosimea stratului de praf care se depune in 24 de ore pe masina proaspat spalata a unui cetatean din Bucuresti.

Oricum, suntem caliti! Am mai mancat paine cu margarina radioactiva si pe vremea lu’ impuscatu’, cand ne imbracam in alb si mergeam la scoala pe cel mai scurt drum. Ba chiar parca am stat si pe acasa cateva zile pe atunci (fara sa iesim la joaca, damn!!!) si am spalat la legume de li se ducea tot gustul. Se spalau si strazile, si casele, ba primeam si pastilute din alea dulcege moca. Mama, ce bune erau!

Pffff, ce vremuri! Bai, pa vremea aia, frate, cand isi punea rusu’ ceva in cap, nenicule, facea treaba ca lumea!!! Ce-i acuma... E parfum!

(Doamne ajuta! :|)

Revenind la subiect:

Modélisation de la dispersion des rejets radioactifs dans l’atmosphère à l’échelle globale

Sau in engleza, sa priceapa tot romanu’:

Modeling of dispersion of radioactive releases to the atmosphere on a global scale

From releases by the SNRI, weather France simulated the dispersion of radioactive discharges to very great distance, planned to March 26.

In this simulation, the plume would have currently reached Northeastern Siberia, the United States and Western Atlantic. It should reach the France from the 23 or 24 March.

Concentrations expected in the term, based on this modelling, could be of the order of 0.001 Bq/m3 in metropolitan France and in the departments of the northern hemisphere. As expected, the southern hemisphere is not significantly affected by this dispersion on a large scale.

As a comparison, the values measured in the days following the Chernobyl accident were exceeded 100,000 Bq/m3 in the first kilometres the plant; they were of the order of 100 to 1000 Bq/m3 in the countries most affected by the plume (Ukraine, Belarus); in France, the values measured in the East were the order of 1 to 10 Bq/m3 (May 1, 1986). Today, very low activity of cesium 137 is still in the air, of the order of 0.000001 Bq/m3.

Are precautionary measures needed?

There is no action to take when the Japan air masses arriving over the France.

Indeed, in the current state, the radioactive fallout from the passage of air from the Japan masses should be 1000 to 10000 times lower than what has been observed in France after the Chernobyl accident.

These benefits will be without consequence for the French health and the environment. No particular precautions is to take for adults, pregnant women and children : no food restrictions, not stable iodine intake, not sheltering or containment.

We draw your attention to the fact that the taking of stable iodine must be only on the order of the prefect, and that it is dangerous to ingest tablets of stable iodine when the situation does not require it.

And in case of rain?

The presence of rain can increase deposits resulting from the passage of air from the Japan masses. However, even in the presence of rain, benefits will be very weak and don't require precautions specific.

Rainwater will be subject to measures by the SNRI, without the significant water contamination is expected.

There is no contamination of groundwater expected in France.


Si inca una:

Evaluation des conséquences environnementales et dosimétriques au Japon dues aux rejets radioactifs émis depuis le 12 mars 2011 par la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima Daiichi

Traducerea in engleza:

Evaluation of dosimetry and environmental consequences in the Japan due to radioactive releases issued since March 12, 2011 by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station


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